Tuesday, March 17, 2015

48 Hour Fast

I chose to complete the digital fast during the break. I never told anyone over social media that I was going on a short hiatus, I just decided that everything would fine and that I could get away with it.

Needless to say it was (kind of).

This digital fast made me think about how much value we put on our phones. My argument for always having my phone on me is that it is for emergencies and that I am an adult and I know when I should or shouldn't use my phone.

During the two days I never felt tempted to get on my phone, but I was so tempted to get on my computer. The phone wasn't hard to quit, other than for the fact that there was an occurring thought to grab and check my phone.

Having to give up my computer was harder than I thought it would be. I use it at night to watch movies and Netflix. Going to bed was quiet and I did not like it.

I also missed being able to listen to anything I wanted to at any given time. I did re-learn that the radio stations are more numerous and that there is a great chance of you finding one with your music preference.

After the two days of no device I had fewer than 15 texts, but way too many emails.

Most of the texts were from one of my friends who knew I was in Salt Lake and thought that I was ignoring her. After I read them I thought that maybe I should have said something, so as to avoid confusion.

I learned that while these devices are meant to help us they can also hinder us. Over the course of the two days I found that I was more attentive and had longer conversations. I know that I am right back to the way that I was before giving them up, but it put the way I think of my devices in a new light and I have noticed less dependence on them.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

App Review

Image result for wunderlist

The app that I chose to review is the Wunderlist app.

This is great for people who are just too busy to keep everything straight and in order. Wunderlist is the one stop place for all of your to-do's.

You can create a different list for all of the different areas that require many things that need to get done.

This is very easy to use and has a fast learning curve. The amount of lists that you can make is limited on the free version, if you decide to subscribe to the app for $4.99 a month or for $49.99 for the year you can have unlimited lists, and a few other features as well.

The customization of this app makes it feel personal. You can create lists and connect with people in your group so everyone knows what needs to get done, what has been done, and who did what.

This app is great for the classes that require group projects because it allows everyone to be able to see who the slacker of the group is and who are the ones who get their work done.

I like this app because it allows me to keep all of my tasks in one place that is easy to find with the reminders I no longer forget when things are due.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The medium is the message is the medium

To me this sentence is conveying an importance on the medium. How we send messages is very important, we send so many throughout our day that they are the significance is lost. For many years before the television the only mediums messages were sent were on paper. The transformation of mediums was slow going for hundreds of years and within the last 20 years it has evolved into something that is handheld and instantaneous. The messages haven't changed too much, but the way that we send them has, it is exciting to see how the mediums are going to change in the years to come.